
Blog The Second: Moving to Cryogen on Github Pages


I hadn't touched this blog in a long time, but needing some projects to keep my skills up, I've decided to resurrect it. However, I didn't want to go back to the standard GitHub Pages Jekyll workflow. I found my relative inability to tinker constraining, as I didn't know the underlying language, namely Ruby. Jekyll is a fine project, but I'm principally a Clojure dev, and I want to feel like I own my blog, and that means the code that powers it.

Enter Cryogen

Looking through the static site generators for Clojure, Cryogen and Perun seemed to be the major players for simple sites. I'd gotten my feet wet with simple projects in both, but never published anything. I like the idea of perun, but its lack of maintainership and needing to learn boot to fully work it, plus incomplete documentation made the decision for me.

When I started in Jekyll, I noted that it should be easy enough to transfer the blog over to a different system. It's just Markdown after all. I was both right and wrong, and thought writing up a post on how I did the transfer would be good notes for myself in future, and of interest to anyone else seeking to leave Jekyll, or run Cryogen through GitHub Pages.

01: Setting Up Cryogen

I ran the usual lein new cryogen unwarysage.github.io and started tinkering with the config, following Cryogens documentation. Picked out a theme for the moment, tried :previews on and off, and made :posts-output simply :posts, but by and large I ran with the defaults.

02: Migration from Jekyll

Copying over the markdown files into a transitional folder, I went through and converted them by hand, needing only to do eight or so pages. I could have scripted any of these steps, but it wasn't worth it for eight repititions.

First I converted the YAML frontmatter into the Clojure map literal expected by Cryogen. I dropped the date entry, as I don't think I need super precise timestamps, and I'm already dating based on the filename. Other than changing categories to :tags, that was all I needed to make the blog compile.

For example, going from this.

layout: post
title: Terrayiel, Factions and Power
date:   2018-09-05 15:08:55 -0500
categories: rpg worldbuilding fantasy terrayiel

to this.

{:layout :post
:title "Terrayiel, Factions and Power"
:tags ["rpg" "worldbuilding" "fantasy" "terrayiel"]}

Following that, I needed to make the links work. Cryogen provides a stricter separation of Markdown and template, so I didn't have to deal with templating logic, just ordinary markdown links, which is a nice change.

For example, Jekyll has this, [Previous: Souls and Magic]({{site.baseurl }}{% post_url 2018-08-22-terrayiel-souls-and-magic %})

versus Cryogens version here. [Previous: Souls and Magic](/posts/2018-08-22-terrayiel-souls-and-magic)

Not caring for my history with Jekyll, I simply set my local git repositories upstream to point at GitHub with git remote add origin https://github.com/unwarysage/unwarysage.github.io, and then force-pushed. This killed the prior blog, but kept the repository and it's settings.

03: Wiring up GitHub Actions

I read a chunk of the GitHub Pages and Actions documentation, but this next bit took some fumbling, which I will summarize the overrall result, and not delve into the blow-by-blow.

  1. Create .nojekyll in the repository root. this tells Github to stop thinking this is a Jekyll project.
  2. Ensure that your :blog-prefix in Cryogens config.edn is set to the empty string. This is so that you could run a Cryogen blog alongside something else and not have the URI clash, but GitHub Pages expect to be flat, with no prefixing.
  3. Create .github/workflows/publish.yml. If you are using Cryogen, you can just use mine, but you'll need some tweaking otherwise.
  4. next, go to your repository on GitHub, and under Settings, enable github pages, set to the root of gh-pages branch.
  5. Push your changes to master and watch the Action run on Github, then go to https://your-github-username-here.github.io and bask in the glory.

The GitHub Action in detail

# .github/workflows/publish.yml
name: publish

    - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # checks out a copy of the repository on the runners machine
      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@master
    # Install Java
      - name: Prepare Java
        uses: actions/setup-java@v1
          java-version: 1.8
    # Setup leiningen
      - name: Setup Leiningen
        uses: DeLaGuardo/setup-clojure@master
          lein: 2.9.1
    # Setup NPM
      - name: Setup NPM
        run: sudo apt install nodejs -y & nodejs -v & sudo apt install npm & npm -v
    # Setup Sass
      - name: Setup Sass
        run: sudo npm install sass -g
    # Fetch Lein Deps
      - name: Fetch deps
        run: lein deps
    # cache Clojure(java) dependencies
      - name: Cache Java modules
        uses: actions/cache@v2
          cache-name: cache-java-modules
          # npm cache files are stored in `~/.m2` on Linux/macOS
          path: ~/.m2
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
          restore-keys: |
            ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-
            ${{ runner.os }}-build-
            ${{ runner.os }}-
    # Build the blog    
      - name: Build Blog
        run: lein run
    # Deploy to GH-pages
      - name: Deploy Blog
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          publish_dir: ./public/

This tells GitHub to run this everytime master is pushed to, or by manual request. The action will checkout the repository on the runner, install java, install lein (and Clojure), run apt to get nodejs and npm, then uses npm to install the sass command. Whatever you do to provide Sass, it needs to be reachable at the path specified in :sass-path in config.edn. It will then ask lein to pull in it's dependencies, and build the blog. Then it will cache the leiningen dependencies, for faster rebuilds. This needs to come after the step where the dependencies are pulled in, so that the initial cache is a populated folder. Cryogen puts the built blog in /public/. Finally, the workflow uses another preconfigured action to move the files from there to the gh-pages branch, creating it if neccesary.


It's the little details in Software, and getting them exactly right. Deploying to GitHub Pages just makes the feedback loop clunkier, requiring a full commit and push to test, despite wanting to only push good code. However, I do think the project is working quite well. I'm blogging once more, and excited to start tweaking this site to no end, especially now I have reduced the amount of black-box code to just be GitHub Pages deployment system. It's a good feeling.

Edits: Added information on caching, fixed typoes.